Friday, January 2, 2009

American Education System

American education system is bit confusing and extremely dissimilar from the education system of your native country. The educational options available in this country are fabulous especially in the higher level. Basically, the USA education system comprises of 12 complete years of primary and secondary education before getting admission in the university or graduate collage. It is not necessary that these 12 years of basic education must be completed from within USA and hence, students from other countries are also welcome for higher education. The highlight of USA education system is its adaptability of cutting-edge technology in all the fields of study. In addition to this truth, another impressive element about US education system is that many world leaders, bureaucrats and prominent business tycoons cherish the education system of the country after studying from there.

Needless to say, acquiring an educational experience from the land of USA will drive people to a magnificent and brilliant career life. The education of US starts at the age of five in the 'primary school'. After completing five grades, the student will enter 'secondary school' to get the 'high school diploma' after successful completion of twelve grades. Those who complete high school and would like to attend college or university must attend 'undergraduate' school. These are schools that offer either a two-year degree or a four-year degree in a specific course of study. The course of study is called the 'major', which comprises of the main or special subjects.

The next level of education system in the US is 'graduate school'. After getting the undergraduate degree, the education can be continued for next two levels. The first one is, studying to get 'master's degree' as an extended specialized study of the subject taken up in the under graduation course. It is of two years duration. The next level is to pursue PhD that leads to a doctorate degree. The minimum duration for this is about three years and may vary up to even seven to eight years depending upon the specialized and chosen topic and the ability of students in presenting their thesis. Study abroad students who aspire to go to any part of USA for further studies are advised to have clear idea about the education system of the country.